Get to know: Irène Hodes

Irène Hodes

Irène Hodes is Jewish Healdsburg’s lead Hebrew School teacher. She also is the associate director of development at JCRC Bay Area (Jewish Community Relations Council). She embraces Judaism “loudly and proudly,” and is always happy to talk to people about Jewish engagement and advocacy. Along the way, she has had a deep and varied journey with her Jewish identity.

Irène grew up in Skokie, Illinois. Her mother is Israeli, and Irène spent summers in Israel as a kid. At age 27, she made Aliyah, and lived in Tel Aviv for seven years.  

 During her time in Israel, Irène worked various jobs. She had an arts fellowship in the city of Arad, in the Negev desert, worked as a freelance journalist, went to culinary school, and worked at several startups. Her journey eventually led her to the prestigious Golan Heights Winery, beginning in wine tasting promotions, and ending up as manager of the wine tasting, education, and outreach program, as well as leading international wine events.

At age 34, Irene moved back to the United States—to Sonoma County. She worked two harvests and full-time cellar operations at La Crema. She was the director of catering events at the old Jimtown Store. She managed the tasting room at Passalacqua Winery.

Eventually she listened to her heart and returned to nonprofit work in the Jewish community. As director of the Sonoma County Jewish Film Festival, she produced six virtual film festivals during the pandemic, sharing the joy of Jewish culture and artistic expression with the local community and beyond. She also spearheaded the widely read Jewish culture newsletter “The Virtual Daily” through JCC Sonoma County. She began her tenure at JCRC in 2023.

Irène got involved with Jewish Healdsburg to create community and get more people excited about being Jewish. “Judaism is a religion of actions and doing,” she said. “Whether you’re a person of faith or not, there is something about lighting candles, having meals, and doing Jewish things together. It enriches everyone’s life to do that.”


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